
Author Bio

Ed Spicer teaches first grade students at North Ward Elementary School in Allegan, Michigan. He has served on numerous American Library Association committees, including the Michael L. Printz Committee and the Caldecott Committee. Spicer gives presentations on books to schools, universities, libraries, and other organizations. In 2010 he was a featured speaker for the Texas Library Association, discussing his life as a homeless teen and the role libraries played and continue to play in his life. Currently, Spicer is getting ready to publish an article on nonfiction and the Common Core, host a webinar for School Library Journal on boys and beading, and writing many more new curriculum guides about amazing scientists. Find him on Facebook (spicyreads). His website address is www.spicyreads.org. Send emails to info@spicyreads.org.

Marguerite Foshee is a teacher consultant at Wayne Memorial High School in Wayne, Michigan. She enjoys collaboratively teaching twelfth-grade English and mentoring students in the school’s “Champion” program. Marguerite is enjoying completing her graduate degree in the Master of Arts in Teaching: Literacy program at Madonna University, through which she has led an after-school writing workshop as part of an elementary school magazine club in Detroit.

Katie Rener is a recent graduate of Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan, and the former editorial assistant for the MRJ. As a certified English teacher, she is passionate about supporting students’ creativity as readers and writers. She believes that books can open up a new world for students and is always looking for another great read to dive into. Currently, she is working as a long-term sub for Plymouth-Canton Schools.


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