"Adopting and Adapting Michigan’s Tenth Essential Literacy Practice: Co" by Patricia A. Edwards, Kristen L. White et al.

Author Bio

Dr. Patricia A. Edwards, a member of the Reading Hall of Fame, is a Professor of Language and Literacy in the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University. She served as a member of the IRA Board of Directors (1998–2001), as the first African American President of the Literacy Research Association (formerly the National Reading Conference) (2006-2007), and as President of the International Reading Association (2010-2011). Her most recent book New Ways to Engage Parents is the winner of the 2017 Delta Kappa Gamma Educators Book Award. She can be reached at edwards6@msu. edu.

Dr. Kristen L. White joined the faculty of Northern Michigan University as an Assistant Professor of Education in fall 2018. Interested in how young children are labeled as particular "kinds of readers" and embody imposed reading identities, Dr. White's research interrogates how materials in the form of prescriptive curricula and assessments, policy, and space operationalize young children's literate identity in early childhood classrooms. She can be reached at krwhite@ nmu.edu.

Lori E. Bruner is a former elementary school teacher, reading specialist, and ESL interventionist. Lori’s research focuses on word characteristics in early-grades text that impact young children's fluency development and how these factors can help educators support their students while learning to read. She is currently engaged in doctoral studies in Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education at Michigan State University. She can be reached at lbruner@msu.edu.


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