
Author Bio

Dr. Elizabeth Birr Moje is dean for the School of Education at the University of Michigan, the George Herbert Mead Collegiate Professor of Education, and an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor in the School of Education. She is also a faculty associate in the Institute for Social Research and in the Latino/a Studies program. Dr. Moje began her career teaching history, biology, and drama at high schools in Colorado and Michigan. In her current research and community engagement work, Dr. Moje uses an array of methods to study and support young people’s literacy learning in Detroit, MI. She can be reached at moje@umich.edu.

Dr. Darin Stockdill has over 25 years of experience as an educator and has been a secondary English and Social Studies teacher, an educational researcher, a teacher educator, and a curriculum developer. As the Instructional and Program Design Coordinator for at the Center for Education Design, Evaluation, and Research (CEDER) at the University of Michigan, Dr. Stockdill manages a range of instructional design projects and collaborates with other educators to design innovative learning experiences and resources. He can be reached at daristoc@umich.edu.

Rebekah Hornak is the Director of Instructional Services at the Saginaw Intermediate School District. She has also been a K-12 Curriculum Director, Principal, Assistant Principal, and Athletic Director. In her current role as the Director of Instructional Services, Rebekah is responsible for a wide variety of programs that impact various demographics throughout the county. Her personal goal is to empower every educator in the county one step at a time. Rebekah holds a Bachelor Degree from Central Michigan University in History and English with an emphasis in secondary teaching and a master’s degree from Central Michigan University in School Principalship. She can be reached at rhornak@sisd.cc.


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