Dr. Danielle Louise DeFauw is an Associate Professor
of Reading and Language Arts at the University of
Michigan–Dearborn. She is dedicated to supporting
preservice and inservice teachers’ development of their
teacher-writer voices and use of authentic writing
instruction to support all student writers. She can be
reached at daniellp@umich.edu.
Dr. Julie Anne Taylor is a Professor of Education at
the University of Michigan-Dearborn. She conducts
research on arts integration and multicultural education.
She can be reached at julietay@umich.edu.
Glovetta Williams is the testing coordinator and web
content manager of the Frederick Douglass Academy
for Young Men in Detroit. She is interested in the
enhancement of instruction through art and technology.
She can be reached at glovetta.williams@
Dear MRJ Author(s): The MRA Board has approved the release of this article in open access format. If you have questions about your content in the MRJ archives, please contact mrj@cmich.edu and we will respond to your concerns.
Recommended Citation
Taylor, Julie Anne; DeFauw, Danielle; and Williams, Glovetta
"Sculpture as Inspiration for Writing in
High School,"
Michigan Reading Journal: Vol. 52:
1, Article 7.
Available at:
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