
Author Bio

Dr. Kathleen Crawford-McKinney is an avid children’s book lover, poetry writer, and storyteller. She works in the city of Detroit, at Wayne State University, with students and teachers to explore global children’s literature as an avenue to reflect and connect to people around the globe. Her path has led her to work with marginalized communities to provide materials and tools to explore their literate lives. She can be reached at kmcrawf@wayne.edu.

Lindsey McAllister has been teaching at the elementary level for 12 years. She is completing her master’s degree this spring to be a reading specialist. She can be reached at lindseyr.mcallister@gmail.com.

Megan Thrasher is an avid reader who enjoys learning about all things history and collecting historical memorabilia. She is passionate about teaching reading to her students. She can be reached at ay4404@wayne.edu.

Jennifer Willbanks is an elementary resource room teacher in South Lyon Community Schools. She is currently completing her Master's of Education in Reading, Language, and Literature at Wayne State University. She can be reached at jwillbanks722@gmail. com.


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