Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants

Faculty Scholarly Dissemination Grants




«Ser» y «estar»: Developmental Stages of Acquisition, Michael Vrooman

How Dominant Was (or IS) Realism? An Empirical Update and Assessment, Thomas Walker and Jeffrey Morton

Probing the role of N152 in the class C beta-lactamase AmpC, Bradley J. Wallar, B. Docter, D. Leonard, and R. Powers

Probing the role of Asn 152 in the class C ²-lactamase AmpC, Bradley J. Wallar, Brianne Docter, Mujahid Anwar, David Leonard, and Rachel Powers

Karst Vulnerability and Water Quality in Haiti, Peter Wampler, Richard Rediske Dr., and Azizur Molla Dr.

Shared Print Monographs: Making It Work, Doug Way, Rick Lugg, Valerie Glenn, Pamela Grudzien, Randy Dykhuis, Barbara Cockrell, Bob Kelly, Scott Garrison, Deborah Rollins, Clem Guthro, Ruth Fischer, and Andy Breeding

see below: 2 presentations + field-trip leader, John Weber

The "small eye poet" from Imagism to "not numerable whom", Michael Webster

Producing Respectable Women: Analysis of HIV/AIDS Coverage in Ebony and Essence, Ayana Weekley

Fungible Victims?: How Activists, Laurel Westbrook

Selling Social Constructionism: Countering the, Laurel Westbrook

Ceaseless Interweaving: Folletts Integrative Process, Judy D. Whipps

Place-Based Education: the Community as Partner, Judy D. Whipps

Utilizing FinGame within a Case-Oriented Advanced Managerial Finance Course, Thomas Willey and Susan Edwards

The Impact of a Structured Learning Assistance Program on Performance in a Managerial Finance Course, Thomas E. Willey, Susan Edwards, and Frank Griggs

Parallel implementations of FGMRES for solving large, sparse non-symmetric linear systems, Greg Wolffe, Byron DeVries, Joe Iannelli, Christian Trefftz, and Kurt OHearn

Focusing-Oriented Shamanic Counseling, Maureen Wolverton

A teachable moment for unexpected errors in ESL/EFL contexts, Shinian Wu

Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Growth, Location Choice, and Entry Modes, Gang Xu

The learning impairment and hyperactivity produced by embryonic methylmercury exposure may persist for generations in zebrafish; Neurobehavioral effects of embryonic methylmercury exposure may persist for generations in zebrafish, Xiaojuan Xu, M. Carvan, and D. Weber

Theater, Performance and Outreach in Second Language Acquisition, Jason Yancey

The challenges of Internet defamation in the US and China, Yi Zhao and Mark Richards

Problems of an Heir Apparent Presidency: Harry Truman and George H.W. Bush, Donald Zinman

Being Dutch American during the Vietnam War, David Zwart


Smartphone Sensors and Wavelets, Edward Aboufadel, Nathan Marculis, and SaraJane Parsons

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Important for Hospitality and Tourism Management Graduates: Perspectives of Alumni, Allison Adams and Lisa Sisson

The Role of Contextual Support in Increasing Information Systems Enrollments, Asli Akbulut Bailey

An Investigation of Students' Stereotypes of IS Professionals, Asli Akbulut Bailey and Jaideep Motwani

The Impact of the Demand for Evaluation on Professional Fundraisers, Salvatore Alaimo

Ibn Darraj al-Qastalli s Poetry on the Occasion of the Santiago de Compostela Campaign, Majd Al-Mallah


Assessing Student Learning and Teaching Effectiveness in Intermediate Mechanics, Bradley Ambrose


Using Research to Investigate and Enhance Student Understanding of Light as an Electromagnetic Wave, Bradley Ambrose

Civic Education: Drooping as Critical Practice, Corey Anton

Using Stable Isotope Analysis to Detect Overgrazing in the Archaeological Record: A Preliminary Study from the Thukela River Valley, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Elizabeth Arnold and Len van Schalkwyk

Initial Results from a Michigan Sand Prairie Restoration Experiment: Nature or Nurture?, Todd Aschenbach

Planning a Study Abroad Program Based on Culinary Tourism, Charles Baker-Clark and Lisa Sisson


Design and Computational analysis of Diaphragm Based Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors for Integration into Undergraduate Curriculum, Nael Barakat, Alexander Plotkowski, and Heidi Jiao

Patterns in Problem-solving Performance in Undergraduate Organic Chemistry: The Good, the Bad, and the Rest?, Nathan Barrows, Ian Gould, and Hagit Ben-Daat

On the Connection between a Class of Discrete Dynamical Systems and Some Plane Algebraic Curves, Sukanya Basu

Some Computational Challenges in Analyzing Global Dynamics of Certain Nonlinear Discrete Dynamical Systems, Sukanya Basu

Considerable Hordes of Nomads Were Approaching, Craig Benjamin

Classroom Research: Prediction Questions in the Elementary Classroom, Esther Billings and Lisa Kasmer

Using Prediction Questions as a Vehicle for Professional Development, Esther Billings and Lisa Kasmer

Carbamoylmethyl Phosphine Oxides as Chelating Agents, Shannon Biros and Eric J. Werner

Overnight and Weekend Gold Returns, Laurence Blose

A SOCIOLOGIST ON LOVE: Explorations in the Social Construction of Love, Cheryl Boudreaux

Demarcating Teacher Certification Tests vs. Teacher Qualifications: Current Challenges for TESOL Education, Colleen Brice

Noise, Observation, Ecology in John Cassavetes s A Woman Under the Influence, John Bruni

Basement Story, Austin Bunn

Teaching Photovoice in a Research Methods Course, David Burlingame and Debra Ross

Who Killed Socrates?, Lawrence Burns

Symbolism, Patriotism, and the Demise of the Great Plains Rural School, 1940-1970, Shane Butterfield

Flagging: Aesthetic Tactics and Queer Signification, Anna Campbell

The “Natural” Engineer: A Dedicated, Responsible, Technical, Problem-Solver, Rachel Campbell

Defining Identity Through Power and Conflict, Jeremiah Cataldo

Risk-Return Predictions with Fama-French Three Factor Model Betas, Yingpin Chang

Given the Trees, Patricia Clark

Gilt/Guilt, Alfred Clemo

Cloudflow: Using a Tailored Workflow and Cloud Computing to Get Better Material Requests from Classroom Faculty, Peter Coco

Creating a Community by Engaging Learners, David Coffey

Three Redactions Ventuing Onto the Coast of Utopia, Edward Cole

Debris Flows from Forest Landscapes Along the Mainland British Columbia Coast, Kevin Cole

Building Muslim Community in the United States, Roy Cole

The Importance of Building Relationships with Students Involved with Hybrid and On-line Instruction, Richard Cooley

Complicated Families: The Remarriage of Noble Widows in Early Modern Spain, Grace Coolidge

Consequences of Dating Violence Perpetration: A Qualitative Analysis, Tara Cornelius, Nicole Wyngarden, and Kathryn Bell


Hospitality and Tourism Students Use of Technology, Cary Countryman, Michael Sciarini, and Matthew Roberts

Abstraction of Nursing Minimum Data Set Elements from Special Care Nursery Records, Cynthia Coviak, Bonnie Westra, Beverly Collins, Cathy Olsen, Linda Fletcher, Deepika Sharma, Heather Swanberg, and Karen Monson

Victor Hammer and the Revival of the Nineteenth-Century Clavichord, Gregory Crowell

Customer Engagement: A Multifaceted Experience in Multiple Relationship Contexts, Vivek Dalela and Shiri D. Vivek

Marital Matching Among US Residents: A Comparison of Immigrants by Region of Origin, Sonia Dalmia and Claudia Smith Kelly

Strategies Identified During Wayfinding in a Virtual Reality Environment in Middle Aged and Older Adults, Rebecca Davis

Resource Depletion Impacts Perceptions of Social Risk and Social Engagement, Kristy Dean and Monika Bauer

Forward Contracts and Uncertainty, Marinus DeBruine and Yatin Bhagwat

Collaborating to Develop Short-term Faculty-Led Feminist Study Abroad Experiences, Danielle DeMuth

Ecophobic Rationality in Richard Flanagan's Wanting and J.M. Coetzee's Dusklands, Brian Deyo

Risk Perception, Intentions, Affect, and Cognition Following Colon Cancer Screening Messages, Amanda Dillard, Rebecca Ferrer, Peter Ubel, and Angela Fagerlin

Assessing the Impact of the Obama Administration on Anti-Americanism in Europe, Polly Diven

Disaster Recovery in Black and White, Davia Downey

Forrest Armstrong Biography, Christine Drewel

Interaction Cues as Predictors of the Topic of Infant Directed Speech, Gwenden Dueker and Megan Zelinsky

Teaching the Accounting Systems Course from a Conceptual Foundation, Cheryl Dunn, Bill McCarthy, Julie Smith David, Ann O'Brien, and Rick Newmark

Antenna Foxhunt Laboratory, Bruce Dunne and Steven Meines

Voltaire's Dictionnaire philosophique portatif and its Hostile Epigones, David Eick

World Theatre, Roger Ellis


The Spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Dorothea Epple

Character, Values, and Interactions in Weigl's Opera "L Amor Marinaro", Lisa Feurzeig

A Response Time Methodology For Identifying Mental Architecture In Choice Tasks, Mario Fific

Body Movement: Transgression And Difference in Pasto Verde [Green Grass] by Parmenides Garcia Saldaña, Mayra Fortes Gonzalez

Wizards, Arcanes and Hippies: Esotersim and Counterculture in It s Getting Late (En in Lagoon) by José Agustín, Mayra Fortes Gonzalez

Grandmother-Grandchild Relationships and the Role of the Middle Generation: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Mihaela Friedlmeier

Perceived Adult Status among Students in Austria, Slovenia and the U.S., Wolfgang Friedlmeier

Emotion Displays in Hispanic- and Euro-American Children's Books, Wolfgang Friedlmeier, Mayra Sanchez, Erica Goodrich, and Briana VanderWege

Partitives and Specificity Effects for Japanese, Kaori Furuya

Developing Best Practices in Preparing Statistics PhDs to Teach, John Gabrosek

Ratings of Prosocial Personality Traits are Contaminated by Religious Stereotype Bias, Luke Galen, Lisa Ellis, Michael Sharp, and Amy VerWey

Petition and Expression: The State of First Amendment Retaliation Litigation in Light of Duryea and Garcetti, Rick Geisel and B. R. Kallio

Negotiating Nation, Locality and Gender in Exile: Latvian Refugees and Deportees 1940-1953, Irene Geisler

Developing a Music Teacher Identity: An Exploration of Transition through Reflective Practice, Beth Gibbs

A Distributional Analysis of the Benefits of Economic Freedom, Daniel Giedeman, Ryan A. Compton, and Gary A. Hoover