IACCP Proceedings of the Biennial International Conferences
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A peer-revieved book based on presentations at the XX Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2010, Melbourne, Australia. Edited by Yoshihisa Kashima, Emiko Kashima, and Ruth Beatson.
(c) 2013, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
Publication Date
Table of Contents
Editors Introduction
Daphne Keats
A Psycho-Cultural Program of Research to Assist Children Affected by the Sichuan Earthquake, China, 12 May, 2008
Daphne Keats & Shuguang Wang
The Background to the Research: Cultural, Theoretical and Methodological Issues
S. Chai, Xian Gui Yang, & Shuguang Wang
A Qiang Perspective on Promoting the Rehabilitation of Children Affected by the Earthquake
Shuguang Wang, Daphne Keats, Melissa Gao, S. Zhang, Xian Gui Yang, & S. Chai
Situational Analysis from Two Studies Facilitating the Development of a Psycho-Cultural Rehabilitation Program for Children Affected by the 12 May 2008 Earthquake in Sichuan, China
Melissa Gao, Daphne Keats, & Shuguang Wang
Building a Culturally Appropriate Intervention Program to Assist Children’s Rehabilitation after the Sichuan Earthquake of 12 May, 2008
Carolin Demuth
Ensuring Rigor in Qualitative Research within the field of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Erminia Colucci Arts-Based Research in Cultural Mental Health
Annamaria Lammel, Elisa Guillen Gutierrez, Emilie Dugas, & Frank Jamet
Cultural and Environmental Changes: Cognitive Adaptation to Global Warming
Wustari L. H. Mangundjaya
Is There Cultural Change In The National Cultures Of Indonesia?
Zanzini B. Ndhlovu
Does Importing of Everyday Mathematics to the Classroom Guarantee better Mathematics Learning? Lessons from a Study of Ngoni/Tumbuka Learners in Zambia
Li Qu, Joel J. W. Low, Pei Shan Chong, Dawn W. L. Lim, & Keren-Happuch F. F. E.
Task Switching in English-Chinese Bilinguals: A Life Span Approach
Li Qu, Pinxiu Shen, and Fan Qianqian
Development of Theory of Mind in English-speaking Chinese Singaporean Preschoolers
Martin E. Morf
A Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpretations of Cause, Will, and Free Will
Lin Xiong & Kosmas X. Smyrnios
Social, Cultural, and Environmental Drivers of International Students’ Fear of Crime: A Cognitive Behavioral Perspective
Erminia Colucci & Harry Minas
Attitudes towards Youth Suicide: A Comparison Between Italian, Indian and Australian Students
Ai Fukuzawa & Susumu Yamaguchi
Relation between Self-Esteem Instability and Expectation and Motivation after Failure among Japanese University Students
Preeti Kapur and Girishwar Misra
Transmission and Regeneration of Sikh Self: Culture in the Making
Maja Schachner, Toby Robertson, Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Friedrich Funke, & Dorota Brzezinska
Does Tolerance Reflect a more Inclusive Self-Construal? A Comparison of Poland, East and West Germany
Alfred Presbitero
The Relationship Between Collectivism and Climate: A Review of the Literature
Li Qu, Lin Shuhui Audrey, Low Pei Jun, & Ng Hui Qun
The Impact of Social Context on Preschoolers’ Flexibility
Jitendra Kumar Singh & Girishwar Misra
A Psycholexical Study of Personality Trait Structure of Hindi Speaking Indians
Lan Yang & David Watkins
The Effectiveness of Two Treatments to Enhance Academic Self-Concept among Low-Achieving Secondary School Students in China
Francesco Arcidiacono & Antonio Bova
Argumentation among Family Members in Italy and Switzerland: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Erich Hölter
Time Horizon in German Management: Goal-Orientated Helix
R Zirwatul Aida R Ibrahim & Keis Ohtsuka
Worker Wellbeing in Malaysia: Prediction of Wellbeing from Psychosocial Work Environment, Organizational Justice and Work Family Conflict
E. S. Jaya & W. L. Mangundjaya
Relationship between Leader-Member Exchanges with Organizational Citizenship Behaviour
Kostas Mylonas, Adrian Furnham, Emmanouil Konstantinidis, Sofia Papazoglou, William Divale, Cigdem Leblebici, Sonia Gondim, Angela Moniz, Hector Grad, Jose Luis Alvaro, Romeo Zeno Cretu, Anna Filus, & Pawel Boski
The Explanations for Unemployment Scale: An Eight-Country Study on Factor Equivalence
Trishita C. Mathew, Richard E. Hicks, & Mark Bahr
Work Motivation, Personality, and Culture: Comparing Australia and India
Yoshi Kashima
Report of the XX International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
ScholarWorks Citation
Kashima, Y., Kashima, E. & Beatson, R. (Eds.) (2013). Steering the cultural dynamics: Proceedings from the 2010 Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. https://doi.org/10.4087/MMHM5422