IACCP Proceedings of the Biennial International Conferences
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A peer-reviewed book based on presentations at the XIX Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2008, Bremen, Germany.
(c) 2011, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
Publication Date
Table of Contents
Franziska Deutsch, Mandy Boehnke, Ulrich Kühnen, Klaus Boehnke, Jacobs University
Can Happiness change? An Interdisciplinary, Multi-Method Investigation of the Dynamics of Happiness
Elaine Hatfield and Richard L. Rapson
Culture and Passionate Love
Marianna Argiropoulou, Vassilis Pavlopoulos, and Karen Quek
Conflict Patterns among Greek Couples: The Role of Values, Self-Disclosure, and Relationship Satisfaction
Sofia Rivera-Aragon, Rolando Diaz‐Loving, Pedro Wolfgang Velasco-Matus, and Nancy Montero‐Santamaria
Jealousy and Infidelity among Mexican Couples
Paul G. Schmitz, and John W. Berry
Structure of Acculturation Attitudes and their Relationships with Personality and Psychological Adaptation: A Study with Immigrant and National Samples in Germany
Le Nhat Tran
Vietnamese Students Abroad: A Research Framework
Wing Sze Leung and Shue Ying Ting
Those Wonderful People across the Sea: Positive Out-Group Bias by Caucasians toward Asians
Aksel Kirch, Tarmo Tuisk and Hanna‐Hulda Reinkort
Estonians and Russians in Contemporary Estonia: Is the Soviet Past still dominating the Present?
Shulamith Kreitler
Meaning Correlates of Value Orientations
Kostas Mylonas, Aikaterini Gari, Penny Panagiotopoulou, Elli Georgiadi, Velichko Valchev, Sofia Papazoglou, and Mariana Brkich
Bias in Terms of Culture: Work Values Country-Clustering for 33 European Countries and Person-Job Fit Factor Equivalence Testing for Four European Countries
Erika Spieß and Christina Stroppa
Social Support Networks on International Assignments
Nandita Babu
Theory of Mind Understanding in Narration: A Study among Children from Different Socioeconomic Backgrounds in India
Penny Holding, Amina Abubakar, Elizabeth Obiero, and Anneloes Van Baar
Validation of the Infant-Toddler HOME Inventory among Households in Low Income Communities at the Kenyan Coast
Diana Boer and Ronald Fischer
The Functions of Music-Listening across Cultures: The Development of a Scale Measuring Personal, Social and Cultural Functions of Music
Jenny Lukito Setiawan
The Significance of Positive Perceptions of Counseling in Willingness to Seek Counseling Help: An Indonesian Study
Randall E. Osborne, Paul Kriese, and John M. Davis
It Can Be Taught: Explorations into Teaching the Foundations for Multicultural Effectiveness
ScholarWorks Citation
Deutsch, F., Boehnke, M., Kühnen, U. & Boehnke, K. (Eds.) (2011). Rendering borders obsolete: Cross-cultural and cultural psychology as an interdisciplinary, multi-method endeavor: Proceedings from the 19th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. https://doi.org/10.4087/ZEYS8049