Volume 34, Issue 2 (2019)
Table of Contents
Editors' Introduction
Janet Neyer, Deborah Meister, and Elizabeth Brockman
Knotworking the College, Career, and Community Writers Program
Rachel Bear and Tom Fox
Beyond Proving It: How C3WP Helps Students Write Nuanced Arguments and Purposeful Commentary
Kristin E. Smith
Coming to Terms With College Writing
Tyler Judd
College, Career, and Community Writer’s Program (C3WP) Data-driven Reports of Literacy Growth
Kathy J. Kurtze
Writing on Demand in College, Career, and Community Writing: Preparing Students to Participate in the Pop-Up Parlor
Kelly J. Sassi and Hannah Stevens
Intersections at a Multiethnic High School: C3WP Meets Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Pedagogy
Amy Carpenter Ford and Maria G. Kioussis
Argument Writing Advanced Institute: Teaching Teachers to Utilize C3WP Units
Jessica Moman and Steffany Comfort Maher