IACCP Proceedings of the Biennial International Conferences
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A peer-reviewed book based on presentations at the XXII Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2014, Reims, France.
(c) 2016, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (ebook)
Publication Date
Table of Contents
UNIT I: Theories and Methodologies
Section A: Diversity in Theories
Walter J. Lonner
On the Road to Half a Century of Cross-Cultural Psychology: Foundations, Current Status, and Forecasts
Cigdem Kagitcibasi
From Diversity to Systematic Patterns and Integrative Syntheses: A Journey in Cross-Cultural Psychology
Robert Serpell
Growing Awareness of Cultural Aspects of Psychology as a Resource for Managing Progressive Social Change
Patricia M. Greenfield
Culture in Psychology: Then and Now
John W. Berry
Culture + Behaviour + Comparison = Cross-Cultural Psychology
Ype H. Poortinga
Why do Cultural Differences So Often Trump Cross- Cultural Invariance?
Geert Hofstede, Mark F. Peterson
The Nationality of Theories
Weijun Ma, Rui Feng, Rui Hu, Juzhe Xi, Edward Fox , Xia Ding
Toward the Theoretical Constructs of East Asian Cultural Psychology
Section B: Methodological Issues
Rafaela de Quadros Rigoni
Benefits and Challenges of Qualitative Methodologies in Cross-cultural Psychology Studies
Urmi Nanda Biswas, Karin Allard, Annika Härenstam, Anders Poussette
Cognitive Interview as an Effective Method in Cross-Cultural Research: A Study of Organizational Leaders in Sweden and India
Daina Crafa, Saskia K. Nagel
Representing Human Cultural and Biological Diversity in Neuropsychiatry: Why and How
UNIT II: Culture Contact: Unity and Diversity
Section A : Migrants and Migration
Medea Despotashvili
Determinants of Social Prejudice and Factors Influencing Perception of Immigrant Groups in Georgia
Juliana Nunes-Reichel, Marie Santiago-Delefosse
The Experience of Skilled Migrant Women in Switzerland: Challenges for Social and Professional Integration
Isabelle Albert, Stephanie Barros Coimbra, Dieter Ferring
Intergenerational Family Relations in Luxembourg: Adult Children and their Ageing Parents in Migrant and Non-Migrant Families
Regina Arant, Thomas Kühn, Klaus Boehnke
Who I am Depends on Where I Am: The Impact of a Sojourn on Home and Host Country Identity
Section B: Majority / Minority Relationships
Part 1: Multiculturalist and Culturalist Policies
Kim H. Chuong, Saba Safdar
(De)Constructing Multiculturalism: A Discourse Analysis of Immigration and Refugee System in Canadian Media
Elke Murdock, Dieter Ferring
Attitude toward Multiculturalism: Majority in the Minority Perspective
Kenneth Rajan Leslie
Haidawood: A Social Media Approach to Indigenous Language Revitalization
Part 2: Discrimination and Racism
Zeynep Balkaş, Zeynep Yanık, Elif Çelebi
Who is Responsible for the Conflict? The Role of Identification and Perception of Discrimination
Christin-Melanie Vauclair, Sibila Marques, Maria Luísa Lima, Dominic Abrams, Hannah Swift, Christopher Bratt
How Does Income Inequality Get Under the Skin? The Mediating Role of Perceived Age Discrimination in the Inequality-Health Nexus for Older and Younger People
Jyoti Verma
Reasons for the Deteriorating Relationship between the Local People of Mumbai and the Bihari Migrants
Kaine Grigg, Lenore Manderson
The Racism, Acceptance, and Cultural-Ethnocentrism Scale (RACES): Measuring Racism in Australia
Section C: Coping With Diversity in Culture Contact Part 1: Acculturation Orientations and Effects
Pascal Tisserant, Anne-Lorraine Wagner, Jaegon Jung, Richard Y. Bourhis
Acculturation Orientations towards ‘Valued’ and ‘Devalued’ Immigrants in South Korea
Lexa Watroba, Jayne Eckley, Arlette Ngoubene-Atioky
A Critical Analysis of Acculturation, Sociocultural Pressures, Body Image, and Disordered Eating among Asian Immigrants in Australia, Canada, and the United States
Camelia Ibrahim-Nassar
When Arab Girls Break the Rules: A Qualitative Study
Part 2: Acculturation Strategies
Stephanie Barros Coimbra, Isabelle Albert, Dieter Ferring, Assaad Azzi
Acculturation Strategies of Young Immigrants Living in Belgium: The View of Young Belgian Nationals
Maisonneuve Christelle, Taillandier-Schmitt Anne
The Effects of Cognitive and Emotional Empathy on the Perception and Prejudice towards Migrants: An Exploratory Study
Part 3: Interculturation
Anna Bayard-Richez, Patrick Denoux, Julien Teyssier
Intercultural Competencies to Overcome Trauma
Carmen Carmona, Karen I. Van der Zee, Jan Pieter Van Ouden-hoven, Nerea Hernaiz-Agreda
Intercultural Competences and Self-Identity as Key Factors to Adaptation
Julien Teyssier, Patrick Denoux, Anna Bayard-Richez
Culture Contact and the Development of Intercultural Sensitivity
Section D: Psychopathology Facing Culture Contact
Atefeh Fathi, Walter Renner, Barbara Juen
Effectiveness of Group Interventions for Depressed Iranian Migrants in Austria
Eva Heim, Andreas Maercker
The Interplay Between Traditional and Modern Values and Interpersonal Variables in Mental Disorders and Mental Health
Josefine Antoniades, Bianca Brijnat
Depression and Help Seeking in the Sri Lankan-Australian and Anglo-Australian Community: A Qualitative Exploration-Preliminary Findings
Unit III: Diversity and Social Relations
Section A: Leadership, Work and Group Relations
Part 1: Cultural Differences at Work
Rishabh Rai, Anand Prakash
Role of Empowering Leadership in Absorptive Capacity through Outcome Interdependence: A Cultural Perspective
Feng-Hsia Kao, Min-Ping Huang, Bor-Shiuan Cheng
Why Employee Turnover? The influence of Chinese Management and Organizational Justice
B. Mahembe, A.S. Engelbrecht, Z. Dannhauser
The Relationship between Servant Leadership, Affective Commitment: Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Team Effectiveness
Mark F. Peterson, Taís S. Barreto, Peter B. Smith
Revised Sources of Guidance Measures: Six Events and Demographic Controls
Santa Misra
Occupational Stress of Working Women in a Specific Culture
Part 2: Diversity and Group Relations
Bai Lin, Bee Chin Ng
Cultural Perspectives on Ingroups versus Outgroups and Shame Experiences
Marta Penczek-Zapala
How Do Acts of Penance Influence Intergroup Forgiveness?
Büşra Tanrıverdi, Ayşe Radife Divleli, Elif Çelebi
Predictors of Support for Democratic Reform: Role of Intergroup Friendship, Perception of Discrimination and Identification
Maja K. Schachner , Fons J. R. Van de Vijver, Alaina Brenick, Peter Noack
Who is Friends with Whom? Patterns of Inter- and Intraethnic Friendships of Mainstream and Immigrant Early Adolescents in Germany
Section B: Variability of Values, Attitudes and Representations
Part 1: Values Impact and Variability
Miriam J. Schwarzenthal, Taciano L. Milfont
Suicide and Culture: Exploring Country-Level Relations between Suicide Rates and Dimensions of Cultural Variability
Mandy Boehnke, Klaus Boehnke
Do Individual-level Value Preferences Impact Country-level Social Cohesion? An Exploratory Multi-level Analysis Based on ESS Data
Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo, Fons J. R. van de Vijver
Values and Migration Motives in Three Ethnic Groups in Indonesia
Part 2: Differences in Attitudes and Representations
Dharshika Sabanathan, Jac Brown, Siraje Sekamanya, Michael Hough, Jeanna Sutton
Social Identity Complexity Theory: Attitudes Towards Diversity and Its Relationship with Nationalism, Religiosity, and Aggression
Amirreza Talaei, Catherine T. Kwantes
Money Attitudes Among Iranians: A Test of Yamauchi and Templer’s Money Attitudes Scale
Magali Clobert, Vassilis Saroglou, Kwang-Kuo Hwang, Wen-Li Soong
Outgroup Attitudes as a Function of East Asian Religiousness: Marked by High or Low Prejudice?
Roberto Fasanelli, Anna Liguori, Ida Galli
A Similarity Graph-based Approach to Study Social Representations of the Economic Crisis: A Comparison between Italian and Greek Social Groups
Unit IV: Development, Education and Family Among Cultures
Section A: Couples, Parenting and Emotions
Part 1: Couple Experiences
Trine Pless-Rasmussen
Bicultural Couples in China: Factors Related to their Adjustment
Elena Zarubko, Victor Karandashev, Madgerie Jameson-Charles, Stephanie Hutcheson, Jane Carter
Sensory Experience in Interpersonal Physical Attraction: Cross-Cultural Comparison
Part 2: Parenting Dealing with Culture(s)
Adeya Richmond , Laura D. Pittman
Parenting Practices, Racial Socialization, and Adolescent Functioning in African American Families
Carmen Rodríguez-Naranjo, Antonio Caño
Family Climate and Adolescent Aggression: An Analysis of their Relationships
M. Millau, M. Rivard, C. Mercier, C. Mello
Parenting Stress in Immigrant Families of Children With an Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comparison With Families From the Host Culture
Marwan Dwairy
Multi-Factorial Measure of Parenting and Children’s Psychological Disorders: A Cross-Cultural Study
Part 3: Cultural and Emotional Aspects of Parenthood
Manal Khoury Karayanni, Jenny Kurman
Culture, Emotional Expression and Parental Socialization Strategies among Two-year-old Israeli Toddlers
Maria Kazmierczak, Agnieszka Nowak, Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska, Robin Goodwin
Polish Baby Boom in United Kingdom – Emotional Determinants of Medical Care Perception by Pregnant Poles in UK
Section B: Child Development and Motherhood
Mirjam Weis, Gisela Trommsdorff, Tobias Heikamp, Jesus Redondo, Lorena Muñoz
Developmental Aspects of Self-Regulation in Germany and Chile: Links among Maternal Warmth, Children’s Self-Regulation, and Social Competence
Megumi Kuwabara, Linda B. Smith
East vs. West – Developmentally Early Differences in Attention
Mary Gauvain, Robert L. Munroe
Cultural Change, Human Activity, and Cognitive Development
Section C: Education and Cross Cultural Differences
Laitonjam Valentina, Ritu Singh
An Analytical Study of Imphal Adolescents Guidance Needs Across Education Streams
Hildegard Wenzler-Cremer
Dealing with Diversity: A Qualitative Evaluation of the Program Mentor Migration SALAM
Annalene van Staden
Exploring the Quality and Inequality in the Literacy Development Opportunities of South African Preschoolers
Claude-Helene Mayer, Antoni Barnard, Sabie Surtee
The “Recursive Cosmosis” Model: South African Women in Higher Education Finding Strength and Resilience
Randall E. Osborne, Paul Kriese
Tolerance for Ambiguity as a Potential Barrier to Intercultural Interactions
Ching-Yu Huang
Cross-cultural Differences in the Use of Disciplinary Methods among Chinese, Immigrant Chinese and English Mothers
Unit V: Self and Culture
Section A: Self Relations Across Cultures
Radka Antalíková, Manuel L. de la Mata, Andrés Santamaría, Mercedes Cubero, Samuel Arias, Tia G. B. Hansen
Locating the Self in Autobiographical Memories: A New Approach to Analysis
Takumi Watanabe, Ryosuke Sakurai, Kaori Karasawa
The Effects of Free Will Beliefs in Japan: Disbelief in Free Will Impairs Overriding Impulsive Decisions
Ece Akca Nebi Sumer
The Quiet Ego and Its Predictors in Turkish Culture
Diane Sunar, Özlem Çağın Tosun, Tuğçe Tokuş
Self-Blaming and Other-Blaming Moral Emotions Are Complementary: Two Studies in Turkish Culture
Shinhwa Suh, Min Han, Joane Adeclas
A Comparative Study of Jajonshim and Self-Esteem
Section B: Coping and Emotional Suppression
Kâmile Bahar Aydın, Eric Sandarg
Validity and Reliability of the Aydin-Flow Coping with Stress Scale (AFCSS) on Multiple Samples in the United States
Tatiana Kryukova, Tatiana Gushchina, Olga Ekimchik
Сulture, Stress and Coping: Socio-Cultural Context Influence on Coping Types among Russians
Snežana Stupar-Rutenfrans, Fons J. R. van de Vijver, Johnny R. J. Fontaine
Self- and Other-Oriented Motivations Associated with Emotional Suppression of Internalized and Externalized Negative Emotions: A Multiethnic Self-Report Study in the Netherlands
Snežana Stupar-Rutenfrans, Johnny R. J. Fontaine, Fons J. R. van de Vijver
Interethnic Similarity of Anger Suppression-Aggression Association in Conflicts in Intimate and Non-Intimate Relationships Across Ethnic Groups in the Netherlands
Section C: Well Being
Mohd. Dahlan Hj. A. Malek, Ida Shafinaz Mohd
A Cross-Cultural Study of Psychological Well-being Among British and Malaysian Fire Fighters
Daniela Hekiert, Saba Safdar, Paweł Boski, Kuba Krys, J. Rees Lewis
Culture Display Rules of Smiling and Personal Well-being: Mutually Reinforcing or Compensatory Phenomena? Polish - Canadian Comparisons
Annisa Reginasari, Uly Gusniarti
Subjective Well-being from the Perspective of Self-Compassion in Adolescents
ScholarWorks Citation
Roland-Lévy, C., Denoux, P., Voyer, B., Boski, P. & Gabrenya Jr., W. K. (Eds.) (2016) Unity, diversity and culture: Proceedings from the 22nd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. https://doi.org/10.4087/ZCSK3026