Works in this series are the final written component of a masters or doctoral degree program at Grand Valley State University. Culminating Experience Projects demonstrate a student's competence in their discipline while producing original research, investigating a scholarly topic, or producing a creative work.
For GVSU Students- To submit your Culminating Experience Project, follow the Submit Research link in the sidebar.
- For details about the process, visit the Submission Guidelines page.
- If you have questions about ScholarWorks@GVSU, contact the University Libraries' Scholarly Communications team.
Note: in some graduate programs, students may instead create a Thesis or Dissertation. These can be found as separate series in the Graduate Research and Creative Practice collection.
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Research-Based Early Literacy Practices for Lower Elementary Educators, Erica Joy Austin
Effective Reading Intervention in the Intermediate Grades, Cassandra Baas
Supporting Admitted Students, Preventing Academic Jeopardy, Bridget M. Baehl
Supporting High School Students in their Transition to College through a Comprehensive College Prep Bootcamp, Brooke E. Baneck
Toward More Impactful Higher Education Advisory Boards: Foundational Elements for Success, Kyle Barnhart
Adaptability of a Vertical Transfer Student, Dylan Barron
Strategies and Resources for Integrating Technology into the Secondary Education World Language Classroom, Angelina M. Bauer
Indigenous Curricula and Teachers’ Preparedness, Caitlin M. Benson
Coaching and Developing Non-Certified Instructional Staff in Key Literacy Practices, Holly Nicole Bigos
An Examination of Positive Impacts on Students' Math Success, Lauren E. Bisher
Addressing Mental Health Challenges in Graduate Education, Obed A. Boateng
Developing Conflict Resolution Skills in Residential Students at Higher Education Institutions, Lindsey A. Bos
Using a Flipped Course Design to increase positive outcomes in first year Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses, Jennifer Bourbina
Creating Inclusive Environments for Students with Disabilities within Civic Engagement Programming, Phillip D. Brzezinski
Maximizing Data Optimization: Analysis, Retention, and Website Accessibility, Selena Cade
Developing Reader Identities through School-based Affinity Spaces, Taylor R. Casarez
Equipping Adult Educators for Successful Adult Training, Tonia S. Castillo
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning In Early Childhood Education, Victoria L. Cavitt
Dosimetric Comparison of 3D Conformal and VMAT with DIBH for Right Breast Cancer, Lundie Cervantes
Corporate Philanthropy: Catalyst for Sustainable Alignment or Mere Gesture? Unveiling the Impact on People, Planet, and Profits, Cameron L. Cleveland
The Impact of Soft Skills Training on Guest Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry, Lawrie Colaco Mr
Bridging Cultural Identities: Empowering EL Students through Acculturation, Sarah D.T. Corder
Developing Early Literacy Screening Assessments and Corresponding Interventions, Sarah A. Coutts
Retrospective Dosimetric Comparison of Radiation Therapy Treatment Using Hybrid-VMAT Technique for Esophageal Cancer, Colleen Cozzie
Racial Disproportionality in Exclusionary Discipline Rates in the United States, Cara Crisostomo
Anchored in Excellence: The Journey of Resilience, Achievement and Brilliance for First-generation Black Male Scholars, Destyni A. Davis
Knowledge Building Through Interdisciplinary Units, Jessica A. DeBoer
The Effectiveness of Technology and Smart-Home Based Teaching Modules for Direct Care Workers, Emily DeMers, Andrea Mesbergen, Elise Kuiper, Jenna Prohaska, and Lauren Czajka
Comparative plan analysis: Helical Tomotherapy vs. Linac VMAT for lower extremity sarcomas, Marie E. DiBona
A Comprehensive Approach for Addressing E-Cigarette Use in High School Students, Michael Ebbert
Word Study Within the Guided Reading Framework, Jordyn Edwards
Phonics Intervention Supports in 3rd-6th Grade, Nicole Embury
Effective Vocabulary Instructions in Kindergarten Through Third Grade, Allison Ericksen
Dosimetry Comparison of VMAT and HyperArc Plans for A Single Glioblastoma, Tylor Filipiak
The Effect of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices on Preschool-Aged Children with Disabilities, Jocelyn N. Fox
Increasing the Level of English Language Learners Mathematical Word Problem Skills using Language Interventions, Hannah M. Frederick
Social Emotional Learning Unit Plan for Kindergarten Students, Aubrey Groenhof
A clinical comparison with the flattening free filter technique for lung stereotactic body radiotherapy using functional lung planning, Addison Gucwa
Impacts of Cellphone Usage on Adolescent Social and Emotional Development, Chelsea N. Hammer
Supporting 3rd Grade Reading Proficiency: Utilizing Paraprofessionals to Provide Literacy Intervention, Hayley Jacobs
Decreasing the Reading Gap in Upper Elementary, Carly L. Johnson
Culturally responsive social-emotional training and supplemental resources for early childhood teachers, Danielle Johnson
Getting Involved: Navigating Rural Student Supports in Higher Education, Lucy Karpukhno
Breaking The Cycle: The intersection of Poverty and Entrepreneurship, Wes Keely
Helping Early Readers with Dyslexia, Jessica Kathleen Klooster
Increasing Secondary Students’ Spanish Oral Language Proficiency, Courtney Kozak
The Link Between Classroom Diversity and Academic Advancements, Mary Kuik
Exploring Diverse Perspectives in Music Education Instruction and Currciculum, Cameron J. Lee
Early Mobility and Delirium Prevention for Intensive Care Unit Patients at Kingman Regional Medical Center, Lyndsey R. Lehman MS, OTR/L
A Dosimetric Comparison of Treatment Techniques for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Pancreatic Patients, Kameron Lemley
Students’ Traumas Impact on Academic Achievement, Taylor L. Lincoln
Exploring the Linkages Between Social Impact Grantmaking & Social Innovation: Insights for Grantmaking Practices, Jodi Lockhart
Social-Emotional Learning in Early Childhood, Darcy L. Logan
College Success Bootcamp 101 (CSB101): A Summer Support Program for First-Year First-Generation College Students Navigating the Transition to College, Leticia Lopez Leon
Visions of Tomorrow: Using Blended Learning to Increase Student Motivation and Comprehension, Abby E. Majestic
Strategies to Improve the Achievement of Multilingual Learners, Breanna Marie Mason
Helping First Year Residential Students Transition to the Collegiate Environment, Jenna N. Mazurek
The Academic and Social-Emotional Impacts of Chronic Absenteeism, Charlie M. Mollett
The Impact of Underqualified Educators on Student Engagement, AutumnBre Moore
Shifting Educators' Perspectives on the Purpose of Play and Play-Based Learning, Emily Mueller
Feasibility study of MIM auto-contouring for head and neck patients that have dental artifact using a metal artifact reduction scan, Allison C. Munyer
Making Study Abroad Accessible for First Generation College Students, Nicolette J. Nelson
Special Education and Social Emotional Learning, Cherish Ostola
Study of the lack of student ability to repair relationships among school peers, Brittany M. Parker
Improving Elementary Fluency Instruction through Professional Learning and Development, Katherine Paulsen
Addressing the Teacher Shortage: School-Sponsored Alternative Teacher Certification Programs, Briana Renee Pepke Herr
Becoming Trauma- Informed Parents and Educators, Stephanie M. Petersen
The Effect of Trauma on Student Academic Achievement, Wendi N. Petersen
Social-Emotional Learning Through a Culturally Responsive Lens, Megan E. Peterson
Leveling the Playing Field: Reimagining Governance and Power Structures in Sport, Stacy Piasecki
The Integration of Mathematical Concepts in Physics Curriculum, Paige Poindexter
The Need for Trauma Informed. Culturally Conscious Restorative Discipline, Sara C. Potapa
A Comparative Analysis of Helical Tomotherapy Planning with Active Versus Total Bone Marrow Sparing Using Dual-Energy Computed Tomography, April E. Premo
Anti-Bullying Prevention: The importance of identifying Risk Factors and effective Interventions and Programs, Emma R. Pritt
Bridging the Gap: Addressing Deficits in Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills Among Students, Kelsey R. Ramos
Faculty Learning Community: Advancing Faculty Academic Advising Pedagogy, Linda Jean Raynard
Investigating the Quantitative Impact of Varied Hair Densities on Proton Beam Planning for Head and Neck Cancer: A Dosimetric Analysis, Breanna M. Reed
Seeking Equitable Access Amid Academic Capitalism, Chelsea Renaud
Overcoming Bias in Standardized Testing, Paul Riebe
Empowering Educators: Enhancing Technology Integration for Engaging Learning Experiences, Jed Roelofs
Developing Alternative Grading Strategies, Brian M. Sackett
Engaging Home Literacy Environments: Building a Partnership Between School and Home, Robert E. Samuels III
Problem Behavior in Schools: The Impact, and a Guide for Intervention, Karlie Marie Schulte
Improving Fluency and its Components to Enhance Comprehension, Amanda J. Skellie Ms.
A Retrospective Quantitative Comparison of Auto-Planning vs. Manual-Planning for Large Breast Patients, Olivia R. Smiley
Fighting for the Right to Learn: Exploring the Impact of Discipline Policies on Black Female Students, Amyre E. Smith
The effects of Sodium Molybdate on the alimentary canal and toxicity in the Greater Wax Moth, Galleria mellonella, indie Sobiech
Occupational Performance Issues Experienced by Students upon Return to School Following an mTBI, Emily Stehouwer, Emma Ludlow, Ashley Clendennin, Princess Bessey, and Delia Kleinheksel
The Importance of Critical Thinking Skills in Secondary Classrooms, Clinton T. Sterkenburg
Eurocentrism in Curriculum and Its Detriment to Cultural Awareness, Kimberly Rose Sterzick
Utilizing Morphology Instruction to Improve Students’ Reading Proficiency, Michelle Marie Sweigart
A Workship Cirriculum for Student Loan Debt, Cion Swoope