Submissions from 2024
Synthesis Of Potential Novel Tuberculosis Antibiotics, Jonathan Bajko
Is a Photo Indeed Worth a Thousand Words? Validating the Use of Photos to Understand Mental Health, Gender, and Coping Methods in College Students, Jacqueline Belkin
Intercellular Communication Via Gap Junctions Influences Stem Cell Therapy, Madison Bohatuk, Megan Bohatuk, and Lauren Harmon
The Significance of Palliative Care Education and Areas for Improvement, Lindsey Bunday
Empty Coolers at Busy Dining Halls: Solutions to GVSU’s Failure to Accommodate Students with Food Allergies, Elena Chiu
Examination of the Relationship Between Algal and Mussel Populations in Streams, Haarika Hebbur
Artificial Intelligence in Business, Mallory Marsac
Poetry Style Experimentation, Ian McGuckin
Navigating Complexity: My Journey in Preparing and Presenting Professional Development on Complex Instruction, Logyn Miller
The Role of Nurses in Environmental Sustainability, Olivia Monroe
Diversity in Advertising & Media: A Historical Analysis on the Portrayal of African Americans in Media & Advertising, Bruna Ngassa
It’s Heavy: Experiences of Students from Underrepresented Communities at Grand Valley State University’s Frederik Meijer Honors College, Abigail Palmiter
An Exploration of Misophonia in the Literature, Megan E. Singer
Prison Social Climate, Chloe Upton
Statistics with Actuarial Emphasis, Zachariah Yonker
Submissions from 2023
The Association between College Age Students' Nutrition Intake and Depression, Mackenzie Allen
The Quality of Life in Assisted Living Facilities in Grand Rapids, Nina Alpers
The Power of God on Display, Kaylie Ayers
Communicating Science Through Visuals, Kassandra Baker
Comparative Healthcare: Changing US Health Policy, Georgia Barber
Imperfect Church, Perfect God, Claire N. Barr
OA and OER in Education and the Knowledge Market: Presentation and Workshop Materials, Jillian Beckwell
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain in Veterans, Mari Bones
A Brief Exhibition of Eastern and Western Classical Music, Naia Brandt
Best West Michigan Hiking Trails, Sarah Brandt
The Dwelling Places of Israel: Historical Ashkenazi Migration and Settlement, Eliott Buyce
Mental Health of University Nursing Students: A Literature Review, Mackenzie Carpenter
Classification of seven-dimensional solvable Lie algebras with A5,2 and A5,3 nilradicals, Robert Dolan
Examining the Localization and Function of a Candida-specific Protein, Lane Everett
Analysis of Disability Support Resources at Grand Valley State, Calle Faerber
Trauma and Resiliency, Madelyn Ferguson
LINKS: Bridging The Divide, Hannah Hosfelt
Study Abroad Experiences in Spanish-Speaking Countries Website, Josie Kasmauskis
Food Insecurity and BMI Impact in US and African Children, Josef Kleitch and Dayna Borregard
The Woman and the Well, Lauren Luomala
Innovation in the Economy: An Examination of the Role of Innovation on Economic Growth, Samuel Macchiarolo
Navigating the Road to Inclusive Transportation Policies, Madison McDonald
Healthcare in Honduras, Emmett Miller
Assessing the Role of Groundwater in Road Salt Pollution of Urban Lakes, Jacquelyn Molloseau
Analyzing the Patient-Provider Relationship and Assessing Shortages in Oral Healthcare in Arenac County, Michigan, Aaron Norfleet
Cultural Competency in Practicing Audiologists Serving LGBTQIA+ Clients, Stella Omilian
Cross-Cultural Analysis of Food Systems, Morgan Rice
Anastomosis, Michelle Shane
Investigations of the Impact of Excess Gut Volume on Spinal Angles, Carly Stoops
The Freshman 15: The Who, What, and How it Harms Us, Eva VanWyck
Effect of Exercise Training Intensity on Cognition, Jaclyn Voyt
Tracking Traffickers: Investigating the Relationship Between Human Trafficking and Ports of Entry, Connor Wardop
Submissions from 2022
Exploration of the Healthcare Conditions in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Awatef Ayesh
Cultural Competence in the Care of Muslim Women Patients, Ayah Ayesh
Impact of Abscisic Acid on Rates of Ubiquitin Mediated Selective Protein Degradation in A. thaliana, Gloria A. Baker
Vectors, Pathogens and Climate Change: How Will Human Health be Affected?, Joseph T. Barry
Equity in the Classroom for Individuals with Disabilities at Grand Valley State University, Abagail Boyd
A Comparison of the Treatments of Al-Razi to Those of His Contemporary Physicians and to Modern Medicine, Nicholas E. Brough
Identifying the Isotopic Signature of Lake-Effect Precipitation in Shallow Groundwater, Andrew Brown
Does Ability to Double-Tongue Affect Speed of Articulation?, Natalie Crossen
Nature and Student Wellness at Grand Valley State University, Emma Cubitt
The Quest for New Music: A Recommendation Algorithm for Spotify Users, Ian Curtis
An Entheogenic Endeavor: Exploring Indigenous Healing in Modern Times, Samantha J. DeBoer
The Role of Perceived Organizational Support in Anxiety and Depression, Chloe Dingens
Oral Healthcare Education, Equity and Policy Implementation in Rural Honduran Communities, Alexander J.R. Dyke
Investigating the Influences of Species and Size on Invasive Mussel Reproduction, Margaret Evele
Creating a Generalized Michigan School Constitution, Kurstin K. Frank
End the Stigma: Strategies to Improve Mental Health, Alexia M. Frantzeskakis
Using Sentinel-3 Satellite Imagery for Cyanobacteria Development Monitoring, Jillian Greene
Supply Chain Sustainability in the Fashion Industry, Quinn Hanley
An overview of the current research on epiphyte ecology, Kelsey Inman-Carter
Legislative Gridlock: Why Doesn’t Congress Do Anything?, Serena Kerkstra
Midrash, Sarah Krishef
Effects of Branched Chain Amino Acid Supplementation on Post-Exercise Muscle Recovery and Muscle Growth, Kyla N. Marquez
Total Taxation: An Examination of the Total Tax Burden of Individuals in the West Michigan Area, Connor C. Meech
Barriers to Implementing Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER) into STEM Classes at Grand Valley State University, Emily Morrison
Analysis of a Future Dentist, Monica J. Nagy
Improving Emergent Care, Martin O’Neill
Professional Perspectives on Delivering Bad News, Natalie Price
Know the Signs of an Allergic Reaction: Anaphylaxis, Sarah R. Remillard
Xenotransplantation: Using Animals to Save Human Lives, Casey Restau
Weather-Sensitive Walmart Sales Modeling, Stella Rodriguez
Holiday Jazz Lead Sheets, Tumaini Sango
Mental Health Focus as a Deterrent for Justice Involved Youth, Miyah Seckinger
Attitudes of University Students, Faculty, and Staff Towards Stuttering, Allison Shattuck
Anthropology in 3D: The Use of Photogrammetry in the Preservation and Dissemination of Ethnographic Art, Alexander Spindler
Spain as a Human Rights Champion in Latin America: The Trial of General Pinochet, Sarah Terpstra
The Girl in the Yellow Dress, Lauren Julia Thibault
The Fractal Geometry of Grand Rapids, Nathan Vandermeer
A Review of the Benefits, Risks, and Guide to Adopting Barefoot Running, Joe Wallace
A Deep Dive into the American and Italian Healthcare Systems - What Can We Learn?, Natalie Woodland
Mental Health Concerns in the Pediatric Population Following COVID-19, Kristina N. Yaczik and Ashley M. Komosinski
Submissions from 2021
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis: A review of the epidemiology, treatments, and outcomes, Hannah Alveshere
Open System Metabolism of the Grand River from Headwaters to Mouth, Colin J. Assenmacher
To what extent is the death penalty a tool of racial terror in America, and how can we fix it?, Gabrielle Boileau
An Investigation into LGBTQ+ Programming and Climate at a Midwest Master’s Comprehensive University, Evan M. Bonello
Faces of ACEs for Nursing Education, Kelsey Bredeweg and Angela Raterink
Poverty and Homelessness: History, Contributing Factors, Modern Reality and Misconceptions, Personal Narratives, and Community Impact, Makaella Caruth
Shelter Dogs Need A Home: The Effect of Enrichment and Human Contact on the Welfare and Adoptability of Shelter Dogs, Hannah G. Clark
Modern Languages, Modern Learning: Tandem Language Programs In K-12 Education, Sarah Cremin
How Support for Authoritarian Regimes Like Saudi Arabia has Undermined American Soft Power, JD Daniels
Strategies for Preventing and Treating Opioid Use Disorder and Overdose – A Literature Review, Ian M. DeGram
American Surrogacy: Babies for Sale?, Madison Edwards